What began in 2012 as a one-off, two weekend project between friends after discovering the derelict Waterloo Tunnels, evolved into a landmark operation with a freelance team of more than 100 people delivering VAULT Festival each year - working across lighting, sound, video, comms, box office, front of house, bars, security, stage management, producing and more!
Behind the curtain in those underground tunnels was a bunch of lovely, creative, passionate and dedicated people, working together to create VAULT Festival every year - building incredible venues; staging thousands of shows; selling hundreds of thousands of tickets and pouring millions of drinks!
In those tunnels careers were kick-started and creative collaborations were hatched. Lifelong friendships were forged over post-work drinks in the underbar, Sunday night karaoke or the legendary VAULT Olympics. We partied together till 3am at the LATES, ‘sshh danced’ in the corridor, shared stories over a pret baguette, starfished in the staff room, froze out on Launcelot Street and swapped secrets on slack.
To all of the people who built, nurtured and championed VAULT Festival, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.